Thanks very much to our judge Cat Humphries for helping us through are first ‘remote’ online competition. Cat videoed her judging so although we couldn’t be present we are able to hear her commentary and view each image as she scored. We’re working on other technological solutions but in the meantime we’re grateful to be able to ‘keep calm and carry on’!
Congratulations to George Demetriou who won the Beginners’ competition with “Sri Lankan Sunset”. George also scored 19 points for “Thai Water Market” and 18 with “Here’s Looking at You”.
The Open competition was won by Avril Candler with “Dawn Over the Dunes”; Julia Wainwright’s “Thirsty Blue Tit” was second and her “Bald Eagle in a Snow Flurry” third. John Draper also scored 20 with “Posers”.
Congratulations to the winners and high scorers. All the competition images can be seen on our Facebook Page.
Thank you to everyone who entered and a very special thank you to Cat who made our journey into ‘space’ painless.