14th April: Virtual Club Meeting – led by Julia Wainwright MPAGB ARPS

Thanks again to Julia for leading us through another interactive Zoom meeting exploring in more detail our first challenge topic of Flat Lay photography.  We’re looking forward now to preparing our images for the competition which will take place at the end of the month.

Everyone ‘present’ enjoyed the evening with plenty of opportunity to ask questions – not least ‘how to change the background in Zoom’!

We all thank Julia for all her planning, preparation and time.  Nothing just ‘happens’ – there is a great deal of work going on in the background and we’re very grateful.

Next Tuesday we have a live talk by Tony North of South Manchester Camera Club on The Art of Macro Photography. This is a great opportunity for us to have a talk from someone outside of our usual area.

Have a good week and stay safe.


7th April: Virtual Club Meeting

Thanks to everyone who joined us for our first Zoom meeting, it was great to see and hear you all as we went through our plans for the coming month and beyond.

We have a new programme based on a four-week cycle,  culminating each month with an online competition.  The first challenge has been sent out to members and we look forward to next week’s Zoom meeting where we will explore it in more detail.

It’s becoming a truly inter-active world and we hope everyone will enjoy it with us.

Stay safe and well.

31st March: Annual Nature and Projected Image of the Year Competitions

Our Annual Nature and Projected Image of the Year competitions were judged yesterday by Martin Patten whom we thank very much for video recording them.

The Nature Trophy goes to Julia Wainwright for “Gentoo Emerging from the Sea”, with John Draper’s “Plucked Feathers” second and Julia’s “Sprinting Cheetah Cub” third.  Highly commended were  Ian Robert’s “Harvest Mouse and the Red Rose” and Trevor Alexander’s “Orange Tip Butterfly”.  Many congratulations to them all.

It was Julia’s night as she also won the Projected of the Year trophy for “White Horse Running Free”;  John was bridesmaid again coming second with “Full Throttle and Go” and Avril Candler’s “Nectar Gatherer” third.  Ron Churchill’s  “Time Transfixed II” was highly commended and Ian got another highly commended with “Old Man on a Bridge” – special congratulations to Ian who only recently moved up from the Beginners.

Congratulations again to Julia for her deserved success, to the placed and highly commended photographers.

Thanks to everyone who joined in our annual competitions and hope everyone enjoys viewing the videos.  Huge thanks to Martin for his informative and enjoyable judging.

All the competition images may be seen on our Facebook page.