3rd June: Members’ Evening

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to our ‘show and tell’/feedback session with images of their choice.  Subjects included  photographs taken earlier in the year during an experiential workshop which included a table-top challenge to photograph coffee mugs, before and after competition images, the effect of  lighting, travel and birds!  It was an enlightening and informative evening and a lot of fun.

Next week is our AGM  which will be held at Century.




20th May: Talk – Photographing the Urban Landscape by Dave Dixon LRPS

Very many thanks to Dave Dixon, Alnwick & District Camera Club,  for his excellent and  thoroughly enjoyable talk tonight.  Using the principles of rural landscape photography, Dave’s urban landscapes of Newcastle are technically and visually impressive creating atmosphere and intrigue.   Throughout his talk recurrent words were projects, preparation, planning and photograph – not just once but again and again.

Thanks to everyone who came along and special thanks again to Dave for his entertaining and informative talk.

Our next meeting is on 3rd June for a members’ evening over Zoom.

In the meantime, enjoy the Bank holiday weekend,


13th May: Triptych and Open Print Competitions judged by Martin Patten DPAGB, LRPS, EFIAP, BPE4*, QPSA

Our final print competitions of our 23/24 season were judged by Martin Patten, Watford Camera Club.  Martin’s judging is always erudite and his critiques are always kindly delivered.

In the Open competition congratulations go to Judy Buckley-Sharp for her ‘Pink Umbrella’, second place went to YC Wei for ‘The Bund, Shanghai’ and he also claimed third place with ‘Blooming Azaleas’.    Highly commended were Godfrey Dyan’s ‘Badge Man Morris’ and Mark Buckley-Sharp’s ‘Lines 4’;  Mark’s ‘Canal Fantasy and Avril Candler’s ‘Great Tit Ready for Takeoff’ were commended.

Open Print Winner by Judy Buckley-Sharp

Many congratulations to YC Wei for winning the Triptych trophy with ‘Southbank at Night’ and he also claimed second place with ‘Wheelchair Marathon’;  Mark Buckley-Sharp’s ‘Three Cultures in Sand’ was third;  Godfrey Dylan and Judy Buckley-Sharp were highly commended for ‘Up Up and Away’ and ‘Berlinger Display’ respectively.    Commended were Avril Candler’s ‘Evening Time’ and Leo Firman’s ‘Earth Wind and Fire’.  Congratulations to all and especially to Leo in his first print competition.

Triptych Trophy Winner by YC Wei

Many thanks to everyone who made prints throughout the season and to everyone who supported the events.    It is probably no surprise to anyone that we can announce that YC Wei has won the monthly (Open) print competitions.  Congratulations YC!

Once again, many thanks to Martin Patten for his informative and entertaining judging;

Next week we are meeting on Zoom for a talk ‘Photographing the Urban Landscape’ by Dave Dixon LRPS.

In the meantime, have a good week, whatever the weather!  Don’t forget to check out the images on our Facebook page.