26th May: Online Challenge #2 – Triptych Competition judged by Pat Couder CPAGB, BPE1*

In our virtual world we are delighted that so many people are embracing our competition challenges and last night was no exception;  we had a bumper entry.  Many thanks to Pat Coulder, South London Photographic Society,  who judged the competition ‘live’ and gave each triptych considered and helpful comments before announcing the cliffhanger results.

Congratulations go to Dave Martin who won with his stunning “Tulips Triptych”.  “Heron Triptych by Judith Gimber was second and Julia Wainwright’s “Those Big Blue Eyes” third.  Highly commended were “Allium” by Trevor Alexandar, “Dandelion Triptych” by Judith and “Out of Season” by Judy Buckley-Sharp.


Thanks to everyone who entered into the spirit of the competition and produced such imaginative and creative work – we may be locked down but our minds and spirit are free!

Special thanks to Pat Couder for her excellent judging and for making the evening so enjoyable.

All the images may be seen on our Facebook page.

We look forward to the next challenge to be announced shortly…………..

In the meantime,  safe and well.


19th May: Talk by Ross McKelvey MPAGB MFIAP FIPF EFIAP/p FBPE

Since 2010 Ross has been awarded over 300 Medals in National & International Exhibitions, he is the President and founder of Catchlight Camera Club, Belfast and runs a large commercial photographic studio close to the Centre of Belfast. Studio and location Portraiture are his preferred genres and he runs workshops for studio portraiture, natural lighting, and Photoshop.

He regularly gives talks and presentations to camera clubs throughout the UK and Ireland.  In normal times Ross’ talks would feature his work in prints which are produced to the highest standard. Ironically, we have to thank these abnormal times as we were treated to a virtual showing of a selection of his superb fine art photographs followed by a masterclass  in how he produces some of his fabulous images.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable, informative, inspiring and fascinating evening for which we thank Ross very much indeed.


12th May: Virtual Meeting – the challenge explained!

Many thanks to Julia Wainwright for organising another great evening during which she presented more details of our Triptych challenge and gave us ideas and useful sources for our own research.

After a session of audience participation, Alan Colegrave gave a short presentation on how he prepares a triptych using Photoshop including some very useful tips on keystroke shortcuts.

And finally Dave Martin talked through his and his wife Vanessa’s triptychs – all beautifully put together and food for thought.

So grateful thanks to everyone for an informative, stimulating and enjoyable evening.

We’re looking forward to the competition in a couple of weeks’ time and next week’s talk by Ross McKelvey.

Have a good week and stay safe and alert.