15th June: Starting from a blank canvas – talk by Polina Plotnikova FRPS EFIAP

Last night we were treated to a fantastic evening of pure inspiration with Polina Plotinikova,    Polina’s excellent presentation covered Flower Portraits” and “Still Life”, her influences and her techniques along with lots of tips;  all illustrated with her inspiring photos some of which are still dancing in our heads!

Very many thanks Polina for a truly memorable evening.

9th June: Virtual Meeting – led by Julia Wainwright MPAGB ARPS

This week’s meeting comprised a session exploring ideas to inspire and more information/tips for our Faceless Self Portrait competition and the results of  “A Different Take” .

A Different Take:  One group of five brave members each submitted two images for processing by a group of ‘processors’ who each edited two images;  in another twist, a few images were processed by two processors.   The results were reviewed by all at the meeting when the ‘before’ and after images were shown and discussed.  It was a very informative and successful exercise from everyone’s point of view.

Next week we have a talk by Polina Plotnikova FRPS EFIAP – “Starting from a blank canvas” and we’re all very much looking forward to it.

Have a good week, stay safe and well.

2nd June: Virtual Club Meeting – led by Julia Wainwright MPAGB ARPS

Many thanks to Julia for running last night’s virtual meeting at which she revealed our June competition challenge – Faceless Self Portraits.

We are thoroughly enjoying the series of four-weekly programmes and last night was no exception.  We discussed and critiqued some images together, voices heard and opinions shared – easier for some to express their views in a virtual meeting where there are no barriers – backs of heads, rows of chairs!

The evening ended with a discussion about programme ideas for the coming months – even without a crystal ball to hand – we are looking forward with optimism.

Finally, a message from Field End Photographic Society:-

Your members are invited to visit our online 2020 exhibition and vote for their two favourite images via the survey link on the final page of the exhibition.

visit website http://www.exhibition2020.fieldendps.co.uk/

 In the meantime, stay safe.