5th January: Critique Evening – led by Julia Wainwright MPAGB ARPS BPE1*

We celebrated our return from the short Christmas break with an evening of gentle critiquing!

Some brave members submitted images they were either working on for guidance/feedback or had entered in past competitions and wanted to better understand why scores hadn’t met expectations. It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening, interactive, informative and extremely useful; even better no blood was spilt!

Many thanks to everyone who entered into the spirit of the evening.

Next week we have our Open Subject online competition which is being judged by Paul Hendley LRPS.

In the meantime, Happy New Year – do keep safe, warm and well.

15th December: Annual Projected Set Subject – Festive Tunes, judged by Lloyd Moore DPAGB BPE4

Many thanks to Lloyd for judging last night’s competition which drew to a close our club activities for 2020.  It was a great way to finish the year with the imaginative and creative images of ‘Festive Tunes’ which Lloyd judged sympathetically in the spirit of the competition.

Congratulations to Ian Roberts who won the Trophy with “The Holly and The Ivy”;  Peter Polkinghorne was second with “Jingle Bells” and Judith Gimber’s “Deck the Halls” third.  Highly commended were “Festive Guitar” by Peter Keeble, “Misteltoe and Wine”  by Alan Graham and Ian’s “Jingle Bells”.

Trophy Winner by Ian Roberts

All the Festive Tune images may be seen on Facebook.

Thanks again to everyone who entered, came along to enjoy the evening and of course to Lloyd.

Have as good a Christmas as possible,  stay safe and well and look forward to 2021.

We will be back on 5th January.

8th December: “And Now for Something Completely Different” – David Sadler ARPS CPAGB EFIAP/b BPE3* LBIPP

Last night’s talk by David Sadler was definitely ‘something completely different’, inspiring and thoroughly enjoyable.  David has a unique style, is passionate about his photography and uncompromising in his creative expression and progression.  It was so refreshing to see his work with which he has achieved his prestigious distinctions.

Camera craft, top tips, ingenious use of props, post-processing techniques, sense of humour, anarchy and great images made for an instructive and intriguing evening.

Many thanks to everyone who came along and special thanks to David for his extremely stimulating talk.