13th April: Workshop – led by Julia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB BPE2, Avril Candler and our guest judge Alan Colegrave ARPS

Last night’s workshop was a combination of ‘future scoping’ and a role-play session on being part of a selection committee.  We had two teams, each with a selection pool of images.  Without fisty-cuffs, the numbers were reduced by half and the combined ‘pool’ was judged with great aplomb by Alan Colegrave.  Alan was given a very strict marking scheme awarding points of 5, 3 and 1 – a hard task but it did the trick and produced glory by four points for one team.   At the end of the evening everyone had a greater appreciation and sympathy for selectors!  And we have more clarity for planning our programme for next season.

Thanks to everyone for taking part and especially to Alan for his informative judging.

We look forward to next week’s Talk:  Home Photography in Lockdown by Justin Garner

30th March: Online Open Projected Competition – Judge, Peter Greenway CPAGB, LRPS

Many thanks to Peter Greenway for his analytical and thoughtful critique of last night’s competition images.

Congratulations to Ian Roberts for his winning entry “Adult & Juvenile Starling – Aerial Battle” ;  Peter Keeble’s “The Inquisitive Orchid” was second and Julia Wainwright’s “The Amber Eyes of a Cheetah”, third.  Dave Martin’s “Beach Stones”, John Draper’s “Crocuses” and Alan Colegrave’s “Long Way Down”, North Oman” were highly commended.

Thanks to everyone who entered and came along to support the evening and to Peter for his judging.

All the images may be seen on our Facebook page.

In the meantime,  here is Ian’s winning image………….


Happy Easter everyone and we are back on 13th April.  In the meantime, stay safe and well.

23rd March: Talk on the Art of Composite Photography by Sharon & Robert Prenton Jones

What a fantastic talk we had last night by Robert and Sharon – fantastic in the true sense of the word as we were taken through the extraordinary worlds both create through compositing their artistic images.

They were generous with their thought processes, how to achieve creative effects in camera and in photoshop,  information and useful tips that can be applied across any genre of photography.  Robert’s passion for creating images with hidden light sources, inspired by Rembrandt, Vermeer etc. and Sharon’s passion for myths and legends made for a truly inspiring and quite magical evening.

Many thanks again to them both.