23rd September: Ron Wake Trophy – Interclub Print Competition judged by Peter Cox LRPS; CPAGB

We welcomed members of Ealing and Hampshire House, Field End and Watford to The Ron Wake Print Trophy  annual competition and our judge Peter Cox, Tring Camera Club, whose erudite critiques made for an informative and entertaining evening.

Several prints were held back and the tension mounted as Peter gave out commended and highly commended awards (all to Watford!)  before announcing his third, second and winning print.  Peter explained each decision, particularly expanding on why he chose the trophy winner over his second choice.    Many congratulations to Mike Lloyd from Ealing HH for his striking print ‘On the Pier’  (one could say the ‘bottom’ came top!).  The trophy goes back to Ealing where it had been since last year.  Catherine Allen from Field End was second with her beautiful ‘Hidden Window’;  Peter Prosser from Watford was third with ‘Arenes de Nines’.

Thank you to all the print makers for an outstanding display of exemplary work,  to everyone who supported the evening and  to Peter Cox for his excellent judging.  Ron Wake would have been proud.

Next week we are on Zoom for a talk “Litchfield on Photography” by Martin Litchfield CPAGB

In the meantime have a good week and enjoy the rest of September.


Double Bill! 9th September: Print Workshop – 16th September Open and Nature Projected Comps

On 9th September we enjoyed a workshop led by Mark Buckley-Sharp about printing our images either for competition or to hang on our walls.  We discussed the merits of various papers, the discipline of sizing prints and getting the best results from our own printers or commercially sources.  Both Peter Polkinghorne and Judith Gimber gave presentations on the virtues (and otherwise) of labs they have used and we had the opportunity to view a selection of print papers and their suitability for subject matter.  In the second half Mark demonstrated how to mount pictures which opened the discussion up to include backing material and mount boards.

Many thanks to Judith, Peter and Mark for an informative evening.   We look forward to seeing lots of prints in future!

16th September:  Projected Open and Nature competitions, judged by Darren Pullman EFIAP/b BPE3* CPAGB from Carshalton.

Open:  first place and congratulations went to John Draper for The Wall’, an imaginative and creative image;  Judith Gimber’s ‘The Detectorist’ was second and ‘Die Another Day’ by Trevor Alexander third.  Highly commended were ‘King of the Hill’ by Avril Candler and ‘Reflections’ by John.  Peter Polkinghorne’s ‘Planet Home’ and ‘Rainy Day Docklands’ were commended.

Open Winner by John Draper

Nature:  the trophy and congratulations went to Avril Candler for ‘One, Two or Both’  a well-photographed gorilla portrait which made the judge smile! Judith Gimber’s ‘Iridescent Hummingbird’ was second and Avril’s ‘Rhino Baby’s Grass-Eating Lesson third.  John Draper’s ‘ Rough Play’ was highly commended;  YC Wei’s ‘Bumble Bee’ and Judith’s ‘Long-Billed Curlew Pair were commended.

Nature Trophy Winner by Avril Candler

Very many thanks to Darren for his considered critiques, delivered in a considerate and helpful manner.  Thanks to everyone who entered and supported the evening. All the images may be viewed on Facebook.

Next week we are back at our Century venue for our inter-club Ron Wake print competition.  We look forward to seeing work from competing clubs.

In the meantime let’s enjoy the ‘summer’ weather!


2nd September: Members Evening

It was great to host our Zoom ‘welcome and members meeting’ last night and really good to see and discuss so many images taken by people over the summer break.  Images taken under the banner of minimalism’ were amongst a variety of other subjects which  made for an interesting and stimulating debate.   Many thanks to all for an enjoyable evening.

Next week we are at our Century venue for a workshop designed around the subject of printing which will be led by Mark Buckley-Sharp.

In the meantime, have a good week and please feel free to contact us if you would like to visit our club.