2nd November: Projected Image Competition #3 – judged by Colin Southgate FRPS DPAGB

Many thanks to Colin Southgate for his informative judging of our entries this evening.   He commented on the high standard of images which reflected in the number of scores of 18 and above in the Promoted Open competition.

Congratulations go to John Draper for his winning image (21 points) “Life on the Street”;  20s were also given to “Golden Hour Cheetah” by Ian Roberts and Dave Martin for “Pink Tulip 2”, “Sparrow Hawk Attacks Pidgeon in Backyard” and “Squid on the Rocks”.  19s went to Mark Buckley-Sharp’s “Deco Handrail”, Liam Greene’s “Special Agent”, Peter Polkinghorne’s “Salt and Vinegar”, Ron Churchill’s “Man With His Shed” and Julia Wainwright’s “Gentle Sunset” and “Intense Red Kite Gaze”.  Fifteen images scored 18s.  Congratulations to all.

These and all the images may be seen on our Facebook page.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the evening and to Colin for his sympathetic and informative judging.

Winning Image by John Draper

Next week we look forward to a Workshop Evening back in the Guide Headquarters.



26th October: Montage Members’ Evening, led by Julia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB BPE3

Many thanks to Julia for leading us through the discussion on the concept and making a photomontage.  A great deal of work was put in to ensure we had a healthy discussion on the differences between collage and montage and defining the rules for our up-coming Annual Montage Trophy competition early next year.  This replaces the annual ‘panel of small prints’ for which the winner received the John King Trophy;  that may have gone but its echoes continue on in the new competition.

With our Covid-19 protocol in place, being back in the Guide Hall feels very safe and we hope when we have our next meeting there people will feel able to come along and participate face to face (even masked face to face!).  The early arrival team make sure everything that needs to be sanitised is – actually before and after the meeting closes.

So many thanks to everyone who came along to enjoy the evening and especially to Julia for her time and expertise.

Next week we look forward to our projected image competition #3, judged by Colin Southgate over Zoom.

And finally, hot off the press is the news that Julia has had her FOURTH Masters of Print Acceptance with ‘Young Jackal with Hide’  – many congratulations Julia, well deserved.



19th October: Print Competition #1 judges by Martin Patten – DPAGB, LRPS, BPE4*, QPSA

It was great to be able to hold our first print competition of the 21/22 season face to face at the club – even the rain held off long enough to get from the car park to the door!  The competition was judged by Martin Patten, Watford Camera Club.  Martin’s thorough commentaries were informative and thorough.

Congratulations to Julia Wainwright for her winning print “Jackal Peering Through the Grasses”;  John Draper’s “Cromer Pier” was second and Alan Colegrave’s “Vanessa Pop Art Style” third.  19s went to Julia’s “Iconic Shard of London” and Alan’s “Senior Gent Kyrgyzstan”.  18s were scored by Julia Wainwright, Ian Roberts, John Draper and Trevor Alexander.

All the prints may be seen on our Facebook page.

In the meantime, here is Julia’s winning image.

Jackal Peering Through the Grass

Many thanks to everyone who supported and contributed to the evening and special thanks to Martin for his excellent judging.