23rd November: Members’ Evening – Capturing a Day in November – led by Avril Candler

Tonight we enjoyed a face to face members’ evening – our last opportunity to meet up at the club before January.

The purpose of the evening was to share and discuss in open forum unprocessed images, giving and receiving constructive feedback.

Our challenge was to take three photographs on one day between the 16th and 22nd November.  We could use a mobile or camera, choose any subject, in home, at work or out and about and send the ”straight from camera’ images to Avril for collation.

As each image was shown there was feedback on framing, composition, viewpoint, technical issues/post-processing advice etc.

It was an instructive, painless and enjoyable evening – a great way to share ideas and helpful tips.

Thanks to everyone who contributed images and thoughts.  Special thanks to Avril for leading the evening.

We look forward to the next Members’ Evening in the New Year.

Next week is the North West Federation Interclub competition which we are hosting over Zoom.





16th November: Annual Monochrome & People and Portraits Projected Competitions, judged by David Lowe ARPS DPAGB

Many thanks to David Lowe for his excellent judging last night.  His commentaries were informative, helpful and encouraging across both our Annual People and Portraits and Annual Monochrome competitions.

People and Portraits

Congratulations to Judith Gimber for her Trophy winning image “Camel Herder”; John Draper’s “Homeless 2” was second and he also got third place with “Omar”.  Highly commended were Julia Wainwright’s “Floating Village People and “Lake Fisherman Myanmar” and Ian Roberts’ “The Red Parasol”.  Alan Colegrave’s “Potter Uzbekistan” and Judith’s “Finlay” were commended.


Congratulations to Judith for her Monochrome Trophy winning image “Six Windmills” – it was definitely her night!  Julia’s “Pensive Ethiopian Man” was second and Alan Graham’s “Mono Misty Plains” third.  Highly commended were Peter Keeble’s “Shiva the Malamute, “Twirl With My New Dress” by Alan Colegrave and Ian Roberts’ Walking Lion Cub.  John Draper’s “Victorian Brighton” and “Women’s Memorial Cenotaph” were commended.

Judith’s winning images are below;  all the images may be seen on our Facebook page.

Camel Herder &  Six Windmills by Judith Gimber

Congratulations to all the winners and commended authors and to everyone who contributed to the competitions.  Thanks to everyone who ‘came’ along to support the evening and of course special thanks to David Lowe.

Next week we look forward to a Members’ Evening at the Guide Hall.


9th November: Montage #2 Workshop – led by Julia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB BPE3

Our follow-up workshop took place at the Guide Hall last night.  After  presentations from Julia, Avril Candler, Peter Polkinghorne and Alan Colegrave  there was an opportunity to begin the planning/constructing process, for example creating inspiration/mood boards and some hands-on practice at constructing a montage using a selection of photos/magazine images etc.

It’s great to be able to meet in person again and thanks go to everyone who ensure the sanitising protocols are completed before and after our meeting.

Very many thanks to the speakers, to everyone who came along to participate in the ‘fun’ and special thanks to Julia for leading us through our better understanding of photomontage.

Next week we are back on Zoom for our Annual Projected Monochrome and People/Portrait competitions which will be judged by David Lowe.