31st January: Workshop: Raw Processing and Non-destructive Dodging & Burning by Mark Buckley-Sharp ARPS(Hon) CPAGB HonPAGB

Last night’s workshop took place over Zoom and Mark’s structured and informative real-time demonstrations worked extremely well – brave doing it face-to-face and even braver ‘remotely’!

In the first half Mark began his Raw Processing session by defining ‘raw’,  highlighting how  upgrading a camera model or changing to a new ‘brand’ can also have software implications (and sometimes computing capacity!).   Mark  took us through his personal workflow process and using Elements demonstrated the operations he uses to convert raw images to jpegs.

The second session was given over to jpeg images and the use of dodging and burning to direct the viewer to the point of interest, to reduce bright or lighten dark areas.  Using Elements to demonstrate effective use of subtle changes was impressive.

Grateful thanks to Mark for this excellent well-prepared workshop and everyone came away having learnt something new.

Next week we have our Montage and Open projected image competitions which will be judged by Diane Seddon ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3.

In the meantime happy February!


24th January: Talk – ‘Yellowstone in Winter’ with Paul Radden DPAGB EFIAP/s PSA4

Many thanks to Paul Radden for his interesting and informative talk on ‘Yellowstone in Winter’.   During the trip, the weather was extremely challenging not just in terms of freezing temperatures, ice and snow but also the less than desirable weather changeability and poor light conditions.  Nevertheless there were some very strong images of wolves, bobcats, foxes and sheep to name just a few of the wildlife battling for survival in such a harsh landscape.  Actually journeying through Yellowstone with Paul last night made us all feel much better about our January icy weather – almost balmy by contrast!

So thanks again to Paul and to everyone who joined us for the enjoyable evening.

Next week we have a workshop over Zoom on raw conversion and workflow which will be led by Mark Buckley-Sharp.

In the meantime have a good week.


10th January: Built Environment and Open Projected Competitions, judged by Darren Pullman BPE3* CPAGB EFIAP.

Last night our two projected competitions,  the set subject Built Environment and Open were judged eruditely by Darren Pullman, Carshalton Camera Club.

In the well supported set subject congratulations go to Dave Martin for his winning image ‘London Aquadrome’ which Darren described as “visually impressive”;   John Draper’s ‘ Urban Apartments’ was second and he took third place with ‘ One Pancras Square’ both of which were stunning examples of monochrome conversions. Five images were Highly Commended:  Dave’s ‘Early Morning Cromer Pier’, John’s ‘King George V Colonnade’, Judith Gimber’s  ‘Ancient and Modern’, Trevor Alexander’s ‘An Elizabeth Line Escalator’ and ‘Battersea Power Station’ by YC Wei.  There were also six commended images by YC, Peter Polkinghorne, Mark Buckley-Sharp, Barry Sampson and Judy Buckley-Sharp.  These and all the images may be seen on Facebook.  In the meantime below is Dave Martin’s winning image.

Winning Image by Dave Martin

Open Competition:  In a more traditional mix of subject matter congratulations to Avril Candler for her winning image ‘Losing Purchase’;  second place went to Alan Graham for ‘Morning Exercise’ and third to Dave Martin for his ‘Woodland Fungi’; highly commended were Judith Gimber’s ‘Arctic Terns with Sandeel’, ‘Brown Hare’ by Peter Elton and ‘First Snow of Winter’ by Dave Martin.  Four images were commended ‘Grey Wagtail’ and ‘Young Stag’ by Peter Elton, ‘Queue II by Ron  Churchill and ‘Before Sunrise’ by Avril. These and all the images may be seen on Facebook.

Winning Open Image by Avril Candler

Very many thanks to Darren for his informative and helpful judging  which made the evening so enjoyable.  Many thanks to everyone who entered the competitions and supported the evening.

Next week we are meeting at Guide Hall, Hatch End at the slightly later time of 8.15 for 8.30pm. for an informal evening of ‘image’ sharing and gentle critiques!

Do look at our FB page for last night’s images.

Have a good week all.