Tribute to Jenny King APAGB

We are saddened to announce the passing of Jenny King.

The record of when Jenny joined Harrow Camera Club is lost but she probably joined the committee soon afterwards and that was in 1986 as Social Secretary. Jenny was President in 1990 and again in 2002 after which the post was retitled as Chairman and she was Chairman in 2003 and 2008.   In 2009 Jenny settled into the combined roles of Programme and Competitions – both Internal and External, which she filled until recently making a total of over 30 years on the Committee. Jenny stepped back from her role as Programme and Competitions’ Secretary when Covid-19 and lockdown impacted.   Jenny was honoured with life-time membership of our club

Over the years new members could be initially taken-aback by Jenny’s forthright plain-speaking but soon learned she had a heart of gold and welcomed all.

Jenny joined the Chilterns Association Committee in 2003 taking over the role of Rosebowl Organiser from her late husband John (Jock) King. She continued in that role until late 2022. In 2012 Jenny received the Meritorious Service Award (APAGB) from the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain.

Jenny will be remembered for her hard work and dedication and support she gave to us all.

We know how important Jenny’s family was to her and she to them.  We send them our heartfelt condolences and sympathy.


28th March: Open and Monochrome Print Competition judged by Chris Drury LRPS

Many thanks to Chris Drury for judging our double print competitions comprising Monochrome and Open (anything other than mono!).

Even though our evenings in the hall are ‘compressed’,  we were underway in good time for a very successful evening  thanks to everyone’s help in getting set up.

Congratulations to Judith Gimber who won the Monochrome competition with ‘Finlay’;  ‘Jurgita’ by Alan Colegrave was second and Mark Buckley-Sharp’s ‘Beggars Bridge’ third.  Highly commended were ‘Black and White Emperor Tamarin Monkey’ and ‘Goodbye No Claims Bonus’ by Avril Candler and  ‘Tattooed Lady’ and ‘Wetneck’ by Alan Colegrave.  Commended were Mark’s ‘Eller Beck Rapid, Alan’s ‘Princess, Guatemala’ and YC Wei’s ‘Reading in Sunlight’.


Monochrome Winning Print by Judith Gimber


The Open competition:   congratulations go to  Judy Buckley-Sharp for her winning print,  ‘Dressed for the Occasion’. Avril Candler’s ‘Night Work’ was second and YC Wei’s ‘Robin’, third.  Highly commended were YC’s ‘Feeding by the Lake,  Judith Gimber’s ‘ Razor Bills with Sandeels’ and ‘Worm Catcher’ and Trevor Alexander’s ‘Thames Alien’.  Commended were Avril’s ‘Smoke Signals at Dawn’, Judy’s ‘Open Late’ ,  Mark’s ‘Yellow Shawl’ and ‘Mersea Harbour at Dusk’ and ‘Mersea Sunset’ by Barry Sampson.

Winning Open Print by Judy Buckley-Sharp


Many thanks again to everyone for entering the competitions and special thanks to Chris for his informative judging.

All the images may be seen on Facebook.

After the Easter break we are back on Zoom on 18th April for ‘Creative Flower Photography’ by Colin Harrison FRPS FBPE FIPF EFIAP d3 MFIAP MPSA MPAGB APAGB GPSA AWPF.

Harrow Camera Club’s 2023 Virtual Exhibition

Do  take a look at our Virtual Exhibition on YouTube put together for us by Alan Colegrave.  Just click on the link and enjoy!