2nd May: Members’ Advisory Workshop

Last night we had a very informative and enjoyable evening over Zoom advising whether candidate images would be suitable for Prints.

Discussions encompassed print paper options, composition, subject matter, extraneous objects – so much easier to spot a downhill horizon, a bright spot, an improved crop, or clone shadows on someone else’s image!  All comments given and received in the spirit intended.

Many thanks to everyone who offered up their work for feedback that made such a useful and good workshop.

Next week we have a Print competition in the Guide Hall, which will be judged by Amada Wright from Ealing and Hampshire House Photographic Society – we hope Amanda’s critiques will be as kindly as ours were!

In the meantime, have a good week and Coronation!

25th April: Landscape and Open Print Competitions, judged by Colin Strong ARPS AFIAP CPAGB

Last night we welcomed Colin Strong from Potters Bar Photographic Society who expertly judged our Landscape and Open print competitions. His critiques were informative, helpful and delivered in a kindly manner.

In the Landscape competition congratulations to Judith Gimber for her winning print ‘Buttercup Meadow’;  Ron Churchill’s ‘Fire Mountain’ was second and Avril Candler’s ‘Willows in the Mist’, third.  Colin commended ‘Harvest Bales’ by Mark Buckley-Sharp, ‘Rice Paddies at Early Morning’ by WC Wei and ‘River Severn’ by Trevor Alexander.

Winning Landscape Print by Judith Gimber

In the Open competition, first place and congratulations to Avril Candler for ‘The Attraction of Thistles’;  Alan Colegrave’s “Yurt Youngster, Issyk, Kyrgyzstan’ was second and Judy Buckley-Sharp’s ‘Globe of Fire’ third. Alan Colegrave’s ‘Jurgita’ was highly commended.

Open Print Winner by Avril Candler

Very many thanks to everyone who came along to support the evening and those who entered their work.    Special thanks to Colin for his excellent and inciteful judging.

Landscape and Open print images may be seen on Facebook.

Next week we are back on Zoom for an advisory workshop.





18th April: ‘Creative Photography’, talk by Colin Harrison FRPS FBPE FIPF MFIAP MPSA GPSA EFIAP/d3 FRPS MPAGB AWPF

Very many thanks to Colin for his amazing talk last night.   Colin has achieved his well-earned distinctions with superb photography and creative montage work.  Seeing the images, learning about the processes and software he uses to produce a riot of creativity is truly inspiring.  We thank him for his generous tips and information throughout the talk and for giving us such an inspiring and enjoyable evening.

Next week we are in the Guide Hall for Open and Landscape Print competitions which will be judged by Colin Strong.

We look forward to seeing you there.

In the meantime, have a good week and stay Covid safe.