6th November: Open and Landscape Projected Competitions judged by Erica Oram CPAGB AFIAP BPE3

Last night we were delighted to welcome Erica Oram from Sheffield Photographic Society to judge our competitions.  Erica’s judging was erudite, helpful and informative which made for a very interesting and entertaining evening.

Congratulations to John Draper for his winning image ‘The Resting Place’ in the Open section.  Dave Martin’s ‘Crocus’ was second and Judith Gimber’s ‘Feeding Frenzy’ third.  Highly commended were Judith’s ‘Doorstop Duo’ and John’s ‘Hang on Tight’;  commended were Trevor Alexander’s ‘Merchant Square Paddington’ and Avril Candler’s ‘Safe’.

Open Winner  by John Draper


The Landscape section was won by Dave Martin with ‘Bamburgh Castle and Poppies at Sunset’,  Peter Keeble’s ‘Cambodian Desolation’ was second and Avril Candler’s ‘Vesuvius Cloud at Dawn’ third.  Dave’s ‘Baldock Landscape was highly commended and YC Wei’s ‘Morning on the Masai Mara commended.  Congratulations to Dave who had a really good night.

Winning Landscape by Dave Martin


Many thanks to everyone who entered and very special thanks to Erica for expert judging.

All the images may be viewed on Facebook.

Next week we are back at Century for a workshop session.   Mariam Mathew will be leading the discussion on  “What is Photography in the age of AI? and Avril Candler will present the practical use of Generative AI in photo editing.  We hope you will come along and join the debate!

30th October: Round 1 Rosebowl Inter-club Projected Competition judged by Alan Taberer

This week we hosted our first round of the Chilterns Association of Camera Clubs’ Rosebowl competition.  The competition comprises fifteen images per club and  we were up against Milton Keynes and St. Albans camera clubs.  All the entries are received before the name of the judge is announced.  Alan Taberer from Imagez Camera Club did the honours scoring within the prescribed marking range of 15 -20 and congratulations go to Milton Keynes for their comprehensive win.  We tied with St. Albans – bridesmaids both!  Two stars are awarded for individual images and those go forward to the Final regardless of whether the club does and Maidenhead and St. Albans got one each.

Thanks to Alan for his judging and to everyone who Zoomed in for the occasion.

Next week we have our Open and Landscape projected competitions on Zoom which will be judged by Erica Oram CPAGB AFIAP BPE3.  Our Landscape definition is ‘images depicting the external environment and including, either singly or in any combination, the elements of land, water and sky. Other elements may be included but must not be the principal subject.’  We look forward to ‘meeting’ Erica and an enjoyable evening.

In the meantime have a good week.

23rd October: 2022-23 Celebration and Retrospective

We thoroughly enjoyed our trip down Memory Lane last night as each of our Print trophy winners shared the stories behind their winning prints.

Thanks to Peter Polkinghorne who took us through the rationale behind his ‘Mostly Mono’ panel, the process he went through to decide on the final layout and reminded us about ‘what the judge thought’ vs his thinking! Each print was framed in a black mount which gave a cohesiveness to the panel.

Mostly Mono by Peter Polkinghorne

We heard from Avril Candler who was awarded three Trophy certificates for Nature,  The Elements (Set Subject) and the Open Trophy;  Judith Gimber for Monochrome and Landscape;  Judy Buckley-Sharp for Montage (a rare item as this specialism has been replaced this year with ‘Triptych’) and Sanjay Mistry for People & Portraits.   As the Open Trophy is derived from the monthly competitions the array below contains a number of Avril’s images!


Very many thanks to our contributors and to those who came along to support the evening.

Next week we are hosting a first round inter-club Rosebowl competition over Zoom.  We look forward to meeting members of the competing clubs.

In the meantime stay safe and well.