20th November: Talk – The wonders of Antarctica, South Georgia and the Falklands by Harry Kingman

A wonderful evening with Harry Kingman from Kirbymoorside & District Camera Club as we journeyed with him through his photographs and stories to Antarctica, South Georgia and the Falklands.  Full of information and wonderful photographs of penguin colonies, fur seals, elephant seals and the smiley faced Weddell Seals and birds such as the Snowy Sheath Bill, Kelp Gull, Brown Albatross to name just a few.  Not for the faint-hearted cruising this part of the world – a world away but a wonderful experience even second-hand.

Many thanks Harry for an informative, entertaining and engaging evening enjoyed by us all.

Next week we have our Nature and Open Print competitions at Century which will be judged by Michael Lurie.

In the meantime have a good week.