31st January: Workshop: Raw Processing and Non-destructive Dodging & Burning by Mark Buckley-Sharp ARPS(Hon) CPAGB HonPAGB
Last night’s workshop took place over Zoom and Mark’s structured and informative real-time demonstrations worked extremely well – brave doing it face-to-face and even braver ‘remotely’!
In the first half Mark began his Raw Processing session by defining ‘raw’, highlighting how upgrading a camera model or changing to a new ‘brand’ can also have software implications (and sometimes computing capacity!). Mark took us through his personal workflow process and using Elements demonstrated the operations he uses to convert raw images to jpegs.
The second session was given over to jpeg images and the use of dodging and burning to direct the viewer to the point of interest, to reduce bright or lighten dark areas. Using Elements to demonstrate effective use of subtle changes was impressive.
Grateful thanks to Mark for this excellent well-prepared workshop and everyone came away having learnt something new.
Next week we have our Montage and Open projected image competitions which will be judged by Diane Seddon ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3.
In the meantime happy February!