1st February: Annual Landscape PDI and Set Subject PDI Competitions, judged by Carol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE4* CPAGB

Last night we held two of our annual projected image competitions, Landscape and this year’s Set Subject which was ‘Window on the World’.  Very many thanks to Carol for her insightful and constructive critiques across both genres as she judged each image.

Annual Projected Landscape 

Congratulations to Julia Wainwright for winning the Landscape Trophy with ‘Gentle Sunset’; second place went to Alan Colegrave for ‘High Ladakh India’ and third to Ian Roberts for ‘Broken Shore’.  Julia’s ‘Woodland Waters’, Alan’s ‘North Norway’ and Dave Martin’s ‘Yewtree Farm Tarn’ were highly commended.  Carol also commended five images:  ‘Fisherman’ by Peter Keeble, ‘Towards Dagnall’ by Trevor Alexander, ‘Into the Mist’ by John Draper and Ron Churchill’s ‘From Loch Linne’ and ‘Norse Reflections’.  These and all the entries may be seen on our Facebook page.

Projected Landscape Trophy Winner: Gentle Sunset by Julia Wainwright

Annual  Projected Set Subject

More congratulations to Julia for winning the Trophy with ‘Looking Through the Window’;  Judith Gimber’s  ‘Township Twosome’ and  ‘Chicken Shack’ were second and third respectively.  Julia’s ‘The Tailors Window’ and Avril Candler’s ‘This Window on the World’ were highly commended.  Carol also commended Avril’s ‘Waking to Sunrise’ and Alan Colegrave’s ‘Who are the Winners – Occupied Vukovar Yugoslav War’.  As always, these and all the entries may be seen on our Facebook page.

Projected Set Subject Trophy Winner: Looking Through the Window by Julia Wainwright

Many thanks again to Carol for her excellent judging and for making the evening  both informative and enjoyable.  Thanks to everyone who entered the competitions and who ‘came along’ to support the evening.

Next week we have a workshop on portraits and people to look forward to.