11th January: Interclub Rosebowl Rnd 2 – judged by Chris Palmer FRPS EFIAP DPAGB APAGB
Last night we hosted our second round Rosebowl match against Oxford, Park Street and Wantage. The competition was judged by Chris whose forensic critiques across all the images were delivered in a constructive and informative way. Congratulations to Oxford for their comprehensive win; Harrow was second, Wantage third and Park Street fourth. Wantage and Harrow each had a starred image and these will be judged alongside the starred images across all the rounds on Final’s day. Good luck to the clubs for the third round competitions which take place in February. Many thanks to Chris for his excellent judging and to everyone who supported the evening.
Next week we look forward to a talk on the ‘Charms of Chile and the Fabulous Falklands’ by Julia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB BPE3*.
Have a good week, stay safe and well.