4th May: Workshop on Image Preparation, Collation Process and our Virtual Exhibition Revealed
Many thanks to Julia Wainwright for showing us the context in which we operate – the framework of UK Camera associations, alliances, federations/international, clubs and the various competitions open to club and individual members before going through a refresher on preparing images for competition; starting with choosing an image for competition in the first instance to each stage of the process and the end point – sending the image(s) to the collator. It was a an interactive session, sharing hints and tips and providing an opportunity to ask and answer questions.
Avril Candler followed up with a session on the collation process and what happens to submissions – summing it up with a visual on the life cycle of a competition image!
The highlight of our evening was the first showing of our Virtual Exhibition which has been put together brilliantly by Alan Colegrave
Go to our Facebook page to find the link to the Exhibition on YouTube and Vimeo. We hope you will enjoy seeing our members’ work across a range of genres and we hope your enjoyment will be as much as ours. Please take a look and feel free to circulate amongst friends and family. Please also feel free to leave a comment – we welcome feedback.