7th January 2020: Projected Image Competition #4
A great start to 2020 with our fourth projected image competition of the season which was judged by Amanda Wright.
Congratulations go to Ian Roberts for winning the Beginners‘ section with “Rufus-Tailed Weaver Singing”. Ian also scored 18s for “Cooling Down After a Hard Days Work” and “White Rhino Mother & Calf”.
In the Open section Judith Gimber scored 20 for “White Water”, Dave Martin for “Sophie” and Julia Wainwright for “Jackal Peering Through The Grasses”, “Magestic Backlit Gelada Baboon 2” and her overall winning image “Sprinting Cheetah Cub”. Six images scored 19 points – “Fisherwoman” by Judith, “Head Detail Alpaca by Dave, “Ringed Kingfisher in the Rain” by Julia, “Relaxing with a Book” and “Urban Swordfish” by John Draper and “Snowy Egret 2” by Avril Candler.
All these plus the nine images which scored 18 points can be seen on our Facebook page.
Congratulations and thanks to everyone who entered the competition, to everyone who came along and of course our special thanks to Amanda for her judging.