4th March: Projected Sets of up to 8 images and Open Competitions; judged by Paul Radden DPAGB EFIAP/s PSA4*

Our annual sets of three to eight images is quite an unusual competition in that photographers’ work is not anonymous; in fact they are allowed a brief introduction and/or a simple commentary. We ask the judge to comment on the individual images but judge the set as a whole. Many thanks to Paul Radden for his erudite and helpful critiques delivered in a positive and constructive way. We all enjoyed the varied subject matter which encompassed sequences, stories and themes.

Congratulations to Dave Martin who wins the Sets Trophy for his Monochrome ‘Flowers’ (composite image awaited);  John Draper was second with ‘London Architecture Old and New’ and Avril Candler’s ‘Demise of Churchill Hall’ third.  Judy Buckley-Sharp’s ‘Winter Lights’ was highly commended and Judith Gimber’s ‘Love is in the Air’ commended.

2nd Place – John Draper


3rd – Avril Candler


Highly Commended – Judy Buckley-Sharp


Commended – Judith Gimber

Dave’s full set will be available to view on Facebook.

Many thanks to everyone who entered the competition and those who came along to support this very enjoyable event.  Very special thanks to Paul Radden.

Next week we are back at our Century base for a workshop with Peter Polkinghorne on Drone Photography and Peter Keeble on Making Images for Magazines.

In the meantime have a good week.