21sts March: Annual Projected Sets judged by David Gibbins ARPS APAGB EFIAP/b BPE5* CPAGB AV

This competition, unlike most, is not anonymous;  photographers are invited to give a brief commentary about their images before hearing the critique from the judge.   Grateful thanks to David for judging our sets of up to eight images last night.  He appreciated hearing from each of us and his critiques were erudite, helpful and kindly delivered.

Congratulations to John Draper for winning (and retaining!) the Trophy with ‘Kings Cross Regeneration’.  Trevor Alexander came second with ‘The Elizabeth Line’ and Judith Gimber’s ‘Male Ruffs Displaying’ third.  Peter Polkinghorne’s ‘Camargue Nets’ was highly commended.  Three sets were commended and these were ‘Smoke Signals at Dawn’ by Avril Candler, ‘Street Windows’ by Sanjay Mistry and ‘Tough Guy Race’ by Alan Colegrave.


Projected Sets Winner by John Draper

Many thanks to everyone who entered the competition and very special thanks again to David Gibbins for making the evening so enjoyable.

Next week we are back in the Guide Hall, Hatch End for a print competition which will be judged by Chris Drury LRPS.  Our meeting time is 8.15 for 8.30pm.  although we advise arriving earlier to secure a space in the car park!

In the meantime, have a good week and head over to Facebook to view some of the other projected sets.