6th September 2022: Members’ Evening – led by Mark Buckley-Sharp ARPS(Hon) CPAGB Hon.PAGB

What a great way to start our new season with a sociable, relaxed evening ‘showing’ and ‘telling’ our work in a thoroughly constructive non-competitive forum. Members were invited to bring along a few images/prints they wanted to talk about or get help with;  from personal projects such as documenting a walking trip, the fascination of shadows, street photography challenges, inspiration and copyright, through to ethical questions about subject matter  to name just a few subjects!

Many thanks to Mark for guiding (in the Guide hall!) us through each session  and to everyone for an informative and thought-provoking evening.  Special welcome thanks to our new members and new faces.

We look forward to next week’s projected image competitions, Open and Nature.   We will be on Zoom and the competition will be judged by Peter A Young LRPS CPAGB AFIAP Hon.PAGB.

Have a good week, keep safe and dry!