21st June: Members Evening at Rickmansworth Aquadrome – led by Trevor Alexander
We celebrated the longest day of the year by meeting at the Aquadrome last night for an informal photo shoot. Perfect weather, glorious light and some obliging subject matter!
For some it was their first visit, others are familiar with the trails, lakes and habitats, happy to act as guides.
With so many areas of interest, the lakes, nature reserves, woods, along the River Colne or Grand Union Canal, last night was just an introduction/’taster’ or reminder of a great place to hone one’s camera-craft.
It was a thoroughly enjoyable and convivial evening – no one got lost or locked in the car park and everyone went home with record shots in their cameras – some of which may feature in future competitions or critique evenings.
Next week we have a Talk over Zoom: 100 Strangers by Steve Myall EFIAP BPE5*
In the meantime, enjoy your week and stay cool.