3rd November: Workshop – Preparation for Annual Sets of up to Seven Images – led by Avril Candler

Avril led another successful workshop last night in advance of our Annual Sets competition.  Using Zoom’s ‘break-out’ facility and Julia Wainwright’s technical wizardry, we were able to analyse previous years’ sets of up to seven images in four separate ‘rooms’/groups, each room viewing different sets of images.  Responses were fed back in an open session. The discussion broadened as together we viewed some more examples of successes and not-so-successes!  Finally, Avril took us through top tips ending the workshop with a huge sigh of relief – the plan and technology had worked!

Now we look forward to the competition on 17th November which will be judged by Kathy Chantler.

As we go into lockdown tomorrow, please stay strong, safe and well.