29th September: “Think Monochrome” Workshop – led by Avril Candler

Last night’s workshop entitled “Think Monochrome” was put together by Avril with technical help and input from Julia Wainwright.  One of the things we miss about meeting in person is talking together  in small groups during workshops.  So we decided to be brave and simulate that using Zoom’s facility “Breakout Rooms”.  The evening was a great success. As Avril writes the blogs, for modesty’s sake (!) , here is the feedback from one of our attendees, Alan Graham.

“This very thought provoking and informative workshop was run by Avril with Julia’s help. The reasons and benefits of using monochrome, primarily but not solely black and white, were covered in a series of bullet point notes and photographs depicting this media. Each monochrome photograph was discussed by the group with differing opinions comparing the likely advantages of using monochrome over colour aired in a wide ranging exchange of views.  At one stage those members taking part were divided up into Breakout Rooms, a new departure for the club using zoom, where smaller groups gave further consideration to monochrome photography, before resuming the full meeting and giving reports on their discussions. The overall impact of the evening reminded everyone of the value and worth of monochrome photography in numerous situations and certainly gave the members considerable food for thought for the upcoming club monochrome competition later in October. A very enjoyable evening was the result of much hard work by Avril and Julia, our thanks go out to them.”

Grateful thanks to everyone who came along and contributed to this lively workshop evening.  Special thanks to Julia for her help, technical expertise and knowledge sharing.