21st July: On-Line Challenge #4 – Importance of Colour Competition – judged by Amanda Wright
Many thanks to Amanda Wright for judging our last competition of our 2019/20 year.
Thanks to everyone who entered and made such an enjoyable and very colourful evening – an ‘extravaganza’ in fact. Amanda, whose art background made her a perfect judge, analysed the images against the six commonly used colour harmonies. as she sympathetically and informatively critiqued each image.
Congratulations go to Dave Martin for his winning image “Golden Eyes”and also his “Parrot Tulip” which came third; Julia Wainwright’s “Juvenile Great Tit with Lavender” was second. Judith Gimber’s “Blue Water Lily” and “Gazania Flower” were highly commended as was “Hebe” by Avril Candler.
All the entries may be seen on our Facebook page.
We have had a fantastic response to each of our four on-line challenges and we thank everyone for contributing to all our virtual meetings over the last few difficult months. We are holding our AGM (members only) next week and we will be setting out our plans for the rest of the calendar year. More news will follow during the summer as we go forward – word of the day is ‘flexibility’!
As ever, stay safe and well.