2023/2024 Virtual Exhibition

In advance of our usual format, this year our 23/24 work  may be viewed on the PAGB hosted Exhibition System which offers viewing options of a traditional slide show and a dynamic virtual gallery.   Click on the link and choose ‘Featured Clubs’ to find us and enjoy!       https://ukcpg.co.uk/main.php

Harrow Camera Club’s 2023 Virtual Exhibition

Do  take a look at our Virtual Exhibition on YouTube put together for us by Alan Colegrave.  Just click on the link and enjoy!

13th January: Workshop led by Mark Buckley-Sharp

Very many thanks to Mark for his tutorial/demonstration of the process for non-destructive dodging and burning of images. This is a valuable technique which can be used to make subtle improvements to many images.

After the formal ‘bit’ people had the opportunity to practice with expert help on hand.  It was an informative and instructive session enjoyed by all.  We really appreciate the time and effort Mark put into the evening.


Always time for a coffee break!

Next week we are back on Zoom for a talk “Welcome to the Show” by Peter Weaver LRPS APAGB CPAGB

In the meantime have a good week  and let’s hope it is a clement one!

6th January 2025 – Open and Set Subject projected competitions, judged by Richard Houghton

After our Christmas break we began 2025 with our set subject and open projected competitions which were judged expertly by  Richard Houghton.

The Open section was won by John Draper with ‘Pier of the Year’;  Judith Gimber’s ‘No.29’ and ‘Little Sister’ were second and third respectively. Highly commended were ‘Maiden Tower Istanbul’ by Mark Buckley-Sharp, ‘Rainbow’ by Mark Ornstein and ‘Spreading Fun and Dust’ by Avril Candler. Commended were ‘2 Points’ by Godfrey Dyan, ‘St. Mary-le-Bow Detail’  and ‘Woolwich’ by Trevor Alexander and ‘Wind on the Bridge’ by YC Wei.


Open Winner by John Draper

The Set Subject this year was ‘Industrial’ – left open to photographers’ (and judge’s)  interpretation!  Congratulations to Leo Firman for winning the trophy with ‘Charing Cross’ .  ‘Change and Decay’ by Judith was second and Avril’s ‘Night Gang’ third.  Highly commended were Leo’s ‘Big Ben Eye Pod’, ‘Cranes at Twilight’ by Barry Sampson and  ‘Cromer Crabbing’ by Judith.  Commended were Peter Polkinghorne’s ‘ADM Pier, Erith’, John’s ‘Dray Power Station’ and Peter Keeble’s ‘Gas Worker’.

Set Subject Trophy Winner
by Leo Firman

Congratulations to our winners and and thanks to everyone who submitted their work.  Very special thanks to Richard Houghton whose thorough, informative and considered critiques were much appreciated.  All the images may be viewed on Facebook.

Next Monday we are ‘at home’ at Century for a workshop run by Mark Buckley-Sharp.

In the meantime have a good week and stay warm and safe.

2nd December: Open and Triptych Projected Comps, judged by Susan Clark AWPF LRPS CPAGB

Very many thanks to Sue Clark, Conwy Camera club, for her erudite judging last night delivered in a thoughtful and helpful manner.

The Open section was won by YC Wei with ‘Piccadilly Sunset’.  Avril Candler’s ‘Taking Off 2’ was second and Peter Polkinghorne’s ‘Robot Exercise Class’ third.  Highly commended were Trevor Alexander’s ‘Autumn Reflection’, Avril’s ‘Lolling Lion’ and ‘Shoot’ by Mark Ornstein.  Susan gave five commended awards to Mark O for ‘Three Colours’,  John Draper for ‘Crocuses, Leo Firman for ‘Fountain’, Mark Buckley-Sharp for ‘Last Poppy Standing’ and Judy Buckley-Sharp for ‘Light Blocks’.

Open Projected Winner by YC Wei

The Triptych winner was ‘The  Shelter’ by John Draper;  second place went to Mark Buckley-Sharp with ‘Canal Triptych’ and Judith Gimber’s ‘Bluebell Wood at Dawn was third.  Highly commended were Leo Firman’s ‘Corsican Pine Focus’ and ‘Three Cultures in Sand’ by Mark Buckley-Sharp.

Triptych Trophy Winner by John Draper

Congratulations to our winning and commended photographers and thanks to everyone who contributed to the evening.  Special thanks to Sue for her excellent critiques, the post competition discussion which included the work she did to explore her thoughts visually.  A very informative and enjoyable evening very much appreciated by all.

Next week we are hosting the third round of the North West Federation inter-club print and projected competitions at Century.